What can I say about Tara? In the days of American Pie she was everything I could want in a girl. And then she had to let us all see the drunken skunk she really is. How the mighty have fallen. Today I wouldn’t touch this meat hole with a 10 foot pole. Am I the only one who thinks everything about this girl is ugly? No more beauty (she is getting old fast - anyone who wants to do an ad about the damages of smoking and drinking, look no further), no more sexy (well unless you’re going for the used crack whore look, then get busy boyfriend, it doesn’t get any better than this), and she was never the smart funny girl (unless by smart and funny you really shoot for the drunk party girl who ends up wasted on the bathrooms floor with chunks of yesterday's dinner hanging from her hair as she lays there in her own vomit).
So enjoy the feet (subpar at best) but know that this one is not for me...