I saw this picture of Will Ferrell and Heidi Klum (from his new movie) and it got me thinking of Heidi.

What can I say about Heidi? She is the real deal! For most of you toe sucking fags (and the few gentlemen who frequent this blog) I bet Bar Refaeli is the epitome of hotness but for me, Bar does not stand a chance next to Heidi.... I mean this fine specimen of the female species gets high marks in every category - feet, legs, body and best of all FACE..... Bar Refaeli looks to me like a 12 years old with large cans....
But I am interested in hearing your opinion so please check your preference in the survey on the right.
All I have to say is that Seal is the luckiest man alive!

Heidi is damn near perfect. For the foot freaks...I'm not overly impressed with her bony dogs, but there are no major flaws on this beauty.
I'm gonna go get a savage tan, work on my singing voice & burn my face up...maybe I'll get a shot with Heidi, too?
She got the prettiest feet among models. Here is complete gallery of Heidi Klum's feet:
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